Nothing like getting a phone call for tiremarks on an otherwise perfect garage floor. We've been getting a few calls like this lately, 62 to be exact. 62 times(and counting) we have had to lose a day of work and REDO a full garage out of our pocket all because a cheap Naples vendor and a shady Canadian epoxy company like to peddle absolute garbage into our industry.
Not only do we have to occupy OUR time and OUR money taking care of OUR customers, but we also have to cope with the fact that we have lost a day of profitable work while receiving zero financial help or reciprocity from the vendor or the company responsible for this issue. All while flaunting on social media about his new $300k Porsche or the lavish vacations they are taking on our industry's dime.
We have lost referrals, hundreds of thousands of dollars, and most importantly, we have lost our reputation as one of the best in the industry all due to the fact that someone knowingly sold us garbage and won't stand behind his product because money matters more than customer satisfaction.
We are the bigger person, we are taking care of our customers to ensure that this issue will be no longer. And most importantly we have 100% stopped using the failed canadian products in mention so that we can get back to delivering exceptional work like we're known for.
#chemtec #epoxy #epoxyfloorcoatings #garagefloor
#epoxyflooring #epoxyfloors #epoxylife